

Thank you for visiting our website! Let me welcome you and thank you for checking out our church. Here you will find information concerning our church and its ever growing ministries. The Lord has blessed us with wonderful people and ministries that can be a help to you and your family. I am excited about all that God is doing here at Heritage Baptist Church. Our church is warm and loving, we will be honored to have you attend. My goal, as Pastor, is to be an encouragement to you and to watch you grow through the teachings of God's Word.  I count it a privilege to be your Pastor, whether it is to be in your home or hospital, hard times and  in times of rejoicing! I am looking forward to watching you grow in the Lord at Heritage Baptist Church. Pastor Hileman.


10:00 Morning Bible Study for all classes    

      Pastors class is also LIVE STREAM

11:00 Sunday Morning Services    IN CHURCH and LIVE STREAM
11:00 Jr. Church for 12 years old and under

7:00 Thursday Night Bible Study   IN CHURCH and LIVE STREAM

We will be live streaming on both our Face book page and our You Tube Channel, I recommend you watch as a family.

My cell, 603-320-1113 our home number 603-880-8889
praying for you all.


March 23, 2025

10:00-Morning Bible Study  
 "Trading Your Treasures
For Trash"  Genesis 25:31,32 

11:00-Sunday Morning


"Buried Talents"
Matthew 25:14-30 

Thursday Night Bible Study
          March 27, 2025

"When You Lose Your
Hebrews 10 & 11 

Link to Questions  Hebrews 10 & 11 

Hebrews - Questions & Answers  Hebrews - Questions & Answers  


The study sheet for (03/27/2025) week's Bible Study Questions will be found at the above link Hebrews 10 & 11 Bible Study Questions (Answers will be posted after Thursday night) 



The Fire

We want to thank you for your precious caring, praying and understanding. We are forever grateful for all Our Lord has done for us. It has been 2 years 5 months since the day of the fire and today we are going home. 

July 2014 - December 4, 2016



Tonight 7/13/14  during church, a teen nursery worker (Emily Hicks) smelled smoke and got Rebecca from services. As they were opening the door to the auditorium, to warn all, the alarms all sounded. We (about 80 of us) were out of the building within 3 minutes...as I walked by the nursery it was already fully engulfed with smoke...wow...we are so very thankful that all got out safely. The fire department was there within minutes of the alarms.  It was a truly touching moment,  as a fire fighter approached a group in the parking lot and asked, 'who is in charge'? They all pointed to Pastor. The fire fighter very caringly handed him the Bible that he found still open on the pulpit, he then said, 'I felt that this would be something that would be very important to you'...and he is so right.
We are receiving much news time, as it was a 3 alarm fire. Fire Departments from Mass even came. At this time church...Pray for wisdom...so many decisions to be made...we know that the roof is a complete loss or at least It looks like it. Water damage throughout the building...I watched as water sprayed out Pastors office window. There is an investigation (as with all fires) of the cause...mainly because in a tension breaker that we were stating, 'Pastor looks like we finally get that new roof'. We are a family...that is a fact! We will continue to pray and watch over one another...The building is not the church...WE ARE! Where we all are...is church. Love you all so much.

Click on Link below to see link to pictures

Check Our Fire Photos

If you would like more information about our church or have questions, please call. 603 880-8048 Looking forward to talking to you.



March 23, 2025

10:00 - Sunday Bible Study~ "Trading Your Treasures For Trash"

11:00 - Sunday Morning Service ~ "Buried Talents"

EASTER 11:00, April 20, 2025

Everyone is looking for a church to go to for Easter!
My first service to church at 13 years old was Easter morning ~ Someone asked us!

Coffee Corner

Welcome to Coffee Fellowship every Sunday Morning
Twice each Sunday, come to One or Both!
9:30-10:00      10:45 - 11:00
Upstairs foyer

March Baptism ~ Sunday Morning!

If you would like to be baptized See Pastor!

 after morning services Baptism!

Thursday Bible Study

All are invited. LIVE IN CHURCH 7:00 and LIVE STREAMING 

FACE BOOK Heritage Baptist Church Nashua and

YOU TUBE   Heritage Baptist Church Pastor Hileman

You can find the questions here on our web site Select this Link:

Hebrews - Questions & Answers  Hebrews - Questions & Answers

03/27/2025 - Hebrews 10 & 11    Hebrews 10 & 11


LIVE STREAM through our face book page


Facebook Link

Watch all the Sunday Morning and Thursday services live on our Face Book Page 

10:00 Sunday School
11:00 Sunday Morning
7:00 Thursday Bible Study

There is also a copy of the fb live stream in the info section on the main page! 



JOIN US....We will be Live Streaming on our You Tube Channel :
Heritage Baptist Church Pastor Hileman

10:00 Sunday School
11:00   Sunday Mornings
  7:00   Thursday Night

You Tube Link

Heritage Baptist Church


May 1993 - Today  30+ years!

  March 2025  
This Week's Events
Bible Search