1, 2, 3 John and Jude Questions & Answers

1 John 1, 2, & 3

  1. Can a person have God the Father [JEHOVAH] and not have the SON?


2. Why did Cain kill his ...righteous... brother, Abel?


3. Why is it so important for us to ...confess our sins...?


4. Can ...our heart condemn us... and destroy our lives and ministries?


  1. We shall be changed when Jesus returns. Who ...shall... we ...be like...?


  1. Will there always be ...lust...?


  1. Have ...the sins of the whole world... been paid for?


  1. What was John to write, and why was it so important for him to write it?


  1. Is God a liar? How can we ...make Him a liar...?


10. Should we ...marvel... [be shocked] if the world hates us and God?






1 John 4 & 5

  1. Is ...the whole world... in a terrible mess [...in wickedness...]?


2. What is the victory that overcomes the world?


3. Are there bad spirits? How can we know ...that spirit of antichrist...?


4. Did we love God or did God love us?


  1. How did the apostle John say we could identify ...the children of God...?


  1. Can we truly ...love God... and hate our brother?


  1. Do we believe that we have an internal witness?


  1. Can a Christian have confidence in his own prayers?


  1. Describe God in just one word?


10. Why can’t Satan force God out of you so that he or any of his evil associates can enter and possess you?





2 John, 3 John, & Jude

  1. Those fallen angels are chained up with what kind of chains?


2. What was it that brought about ...no greater joy... to the writer?


3. Should we separate ourselves from those with serious doctrinal errors?


4. Who was running ...greedily after... the wrong things?


  1. Was there someone in the church who loved the spotlight, the power and authority [preeminence]?


  1. What verse has the word ...ungodly... in it four times?


  1. Could the people trust Demetrius?


  1. What will happen to those cities of sexual perversion that give ...themselves over to fornication...?


  1. How long will the truth live in you and me?


10. Who is it that can really make a difference, pulling people ...out of the fire...?
