Full Book of Luke Questions and Answers

Luke 1, 2, & 3


  1. Where did Gabriel stand, and why was he sent?



  1. What was Elizabeth’s unborn child’s response to the visitors?



  1. Did some people ponder whether John the Baptist was or was not the Christ?



  1. When the word of God came to him, where was John the Baptist?


  1. Who was John the Baptist’s grandfather on his mother’s side?



  1. Zacharias went into the temple to burn incense. Why did he stay in the temple for such a long time?



  1. How do we know that Mary, at first, may not have understood her pregnancy?



  1. What did the soldiers demand of (ask) John the Baptist?


  1. When Anna’s husband died, how old was she?



  1. How did all that heard the story the shepherds told react to it?














Luke 4, 5, & 6


  1. A leper approached Jesus. How close were they?



  1. What did Jesus say about those of us who laugh and never weep?


  1. There was something in the eye of whom?



  1. Who told Jesus to leave him alone?



  1. In these three chapters, on how many occasions was Jesus tempted by Satan?



  1. What ailed Peter’s mother-in-law?



  1. Who was filled with madness (wrath) and why?


  1. Why didn’t Peter want to let the nets down and fish anymore?



  1. What were the men who were carrying the palsied man specifically seeking/?



  1. Were Jesus Christ’s disciples criticized for not fasting?
















Luke 7, 8, & 9


  1. How important was the baptism of John?



  1. Do demonic spirits have names?



  1. Who was ...driven of the devil into the wilderness.



  1. With debt forgiven, which debtor would love the most?



  1. Jesus uttered two criteria for continuing discipleship. What were these two criteria?



  1. Herod admitted to ordering what horrible execution?



  1. We probably should not put first things last, but what about putting wrong things first?



  1. How many children did Jairus have?



  1. Why did our Lord and savior Jesus Christ go and eat at the Pharisee’s house?



  1. Did the centurion believe he was worthy enough to have his servant healed?












Luke 10, 11, & 12


  1. Name two places where no one puts a candle?



  1. Why does God desire us to consider the ravens?



  1. We sometimes know not what to say. Who is able to help?



  1. Why did our Lord and savior Jesus Christ tell his disciples their eyes were blessed?


  1. Has there always been a problem with the workers to accomplish the work that was needed?



  1. Did Martha think Jesus cared for Mary more than he cared for her?



  1. For what was the fellow shamelessly and persistently begging at his friend’s house at midnight?



  1. Who would not show mercy to the man, apparently an Israeli, who fell among thieves?



  1. What happened to Jonah (“Jonas”); what sign was given to us?



  1. What initially shocked the Pharisees when Jesus dined with them?











Luke 13, 14, & 15


  1. Why was the shepherd rejoicing about one out of 100 sheep?



  1. What did the younger son do with the ...the portion of goods... his father gave him/?


  1. What happens to salt when it loses its ability to season or preserve?


  1. On the sabbath, what did the pharisees allow when an ox fell into a pit?



  1. Why should those living along the road ...toward Jerusalem... be concerned ...when once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut... ...the door...?



  1. Where some Galileans ...sinners above all the [ other] Galileans...?



  1. And when he came to himself..., whom did the young sinner blame?



  1. May someone be a disciple (minister) who will not bear the cross of ministering?



  1. Why did Jesus continue his earthly ministry in spite of the Pharisees telling him Herod desired to kill him?



  1. Who ...bound... (...bowed over..., stooped over) a woman 18 years?





Luke 16, 17, & 18


  1. Is anything impossible?



  1. Were the prayers of the two men similar?



  1. Who hoped to be fed with the crumbs (the garbage) from a certain rich man’s table?



  1. Of what was the rich man’s steward accused?



  1. Of the ten lepers, how many ...said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us?


  1. Why was one left in bed, one left grinding grain, and oneleft working in the field?



  1. What did Jesus tell the rich, young ruler about entering heaven?



  1. What did Jesus tell the Jewish audience to do about Lot’s wife?



  1. What did the apostles say to Jesus about their faith?



  1. Did the apostles understand Christ’s impending passion, death, and resurrection?














Luke 19, 20, & 21


  1. What did the nobleman’s servant put into a napkin?



  1. How does ...The baptism of John... relate to authority?



  1. Who placed the most in the public offering chests?



  1. Did the owners challenge the two disciples who untied their colt?



  1. Were there Jews who argued against resurrection?



  1. Will God’s words ever pass away? Will the born-again have Bibles in heaven?



  1. What will happen to that city that did not realize they had been visited by their Maker, Lord, and KING?



  1. Did the Lord Jesus approve paying tribute (a tax assessment) to Caesar?


  1. Why were ...Men’s hearts failing them...?



  1. Will you and I, born-again Christians, ever be equal to angels?














Luke 22, 23, & 24


  1. Whom did Jesus tell to tarry in Jerusalem?



  1. What caused Cleopas’ and the other disciple’s hearts to burn?


  1. How many women saw the empty tomb and, then, told the disciples?



  1. Is Satan able to enter a saved person? Was Judas Iscariot saved?



  1. What happened when the rooster crowed the third time?



  1. Did Jesus want the disciples to have swords?



  1. What happened to the Centurion who witnessed what transpired on Calvary?



  1. Who was accused of ...perverting the nation... by the ...whole multitude...?



  1. Can someone who never attended church, who was never baptized, never read the Bible, never gave an offering..., go to heaven when he dies?



  1. How did Joseph of Arimathea gain possession of Jesus’ body?
