Facebook Video 03/02/2025 - Sunday School - "The Comforting Presence of the Holy Spirit" John 14:16
Facebook Video 03/02/2025 - Sunday Morning Service - "Dirty Houses" II Corinthians 6:14-18
Facebook Video 03/06/2025 - Thursday Night Bible Study - "We Need An Anchor" Hebrews 6:9
Facebook Video 03/09/2025 - Sunday School - "4 Anchors That Provide Stability And Confidence" Acts 27:29
Facebook Video 03/09/2025 - Sunday Morning Service - "God's Unhappy People" Numbers 11:1-10
Coming Soon 03/13/2025 - Thursday Night Bible Study - "Old Testament/New Testament ~ Which Is Better" Hebrews 8:6
Coming Soon 03/16/2025 - Sunday School -
Coming Soon 03/16/2025 - Sunday Morning Service -
Coming Soon 03/20/2025 - Thursday Night Bible Study -